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Unrealised Capital Gain & Loss

KPI - Unrealized Capital Gain or Loss


The Unrealized Capital Gains/Losses (G/L) Widget provides insights into the potential profit or loss of your current holdings based on their current market value compared to their purchase cost. This widget helps you understand the performance of your investments that have not yet been sold.

Data Displayed

  1. Unrealized Capital G/L This value represents the net difference between the current market value and the original purchase cost of your investment holdings. It reflects potential profit or loss that has not yet been realized because the assets have not been sold. Gains indicate an increase in value above the purchase price, while losses suggest a decrease. This figure changes as market prices fluctuate, offering insight into the performance of your investments.

  2. Gains and Losses Breakdown

    • Gain: Shows the total amount gained from investments whose current market value is higher than their purchase cost.
    • Loss: Shows the total amount lost from investments whose current market value is lower than their purchase cost.


  1. Accessing Settings:

    • Click on the settings icon to open the settings menu.
  2. Type of Holdings:

    • Dropdown Menu: Select the type of holdings you wish to view from the dropdown menu. Options include:
      • All Holdings
      • All Stocks
      • Dividend Stocks
      • Non Dividend Stocks
      • ETF
      • Funds
  3. Saving Changes:

    • After making your selections, click "Save" to apply your changes.
    • Buttons:
      • Default: Resets the settings to default values.
      • Cancel: Discards any changes made.
      • Save: Applies and saves the changes.