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Profit & Loss

KPI - Profit Loss


The Profit/Loss Widget provides a snapshot of your overall financial performance, calculated as the sum of your realised gains and losses from sold investments and your earned dividend income. This widget helps you understand the profitability of your investments at a glance.

Data Displayed

  1. Profit/Loss This figure represents your overall financial performance, calculated as the sum of your realized gains and losses from sold investments and your earned dividend income. Realized gains and losses are the actual profit or loss from investments you've sold, compared to their original purchase prices. Dividend income is the earnings received from dividend-paying assets. Together, these components give you a comprehensive view of your investment profitability.


  1. Accessing Settings:

    • Click on the settings icon to open the settings menu.
  2. Type of Holdings:

    • Dropdown Menu: Select for which type of holdings you want the Profit & Loss to be calculated. Options include:
      • All Holdings
      • All Stocks
      • Dividend Stocks
      • Non Dividend Stocks
      • ETF
      • Funds
  3. Saving Changes:

    • After making your selections, click "Save" to apply your changes.
    • Buttons:
      • Default: Resets the settings to default values.
      • Cancel: Discards any changes made.
      • Save: Applies and saves the changes.