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Holdings Count by Type

KPI - Holdings Count by Type


The Holdings Count by Type Widget provides a comprehensive count of your total investment holdings, categorized by type: Stocks, Funds, and ETFs. This widget helps you quickly assess the diversity and distribution of your investments across different asset types.

Data Displayed

  1. Total Holdings Count This figure shows the overall number of holdings in your portfolio. It provides a quick summary of the total number of investments you currently hold.

  2. Holdings Count by Type This breakdown shows how many of your total holdings are individual Stocks, Mutual Funds, and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). Each type is represented with a distinct color for easy identification.

    • Stocks: The number of individual stock holdings.
    • Funds: The number of mutual fund holdings.
    • ETFs: The number of ETF holdings.

This overview allows you to quickly assess the diversity and distribution of your investments across different asset types.