Dividend Estimate
The Dividend Estimate Widget provides a projection of your total dividend income for the current and next few years based on your current dividend-yielding investments. The future years estimate is based on the combined weighted 5Y CAGR of your dividend yielding This widget helps you understand the potential income from dividends, giving insights into future cash flows from your portfolio.
Data Displayed
- Dividend Estimate
- This figure estimates your total dividend income for the next year, calculated from your current dividend-yielding investments using their projected dividend rates. It accounts for the number of shares or units you hold in each asset and multiplies them by the anticipated future dividend payouts per share/unit. This projection assumes these dividends will be maintained at the forecasted levels and does not factor in potential changes in dividend policies or market fluctuations.
Future Year Projections
- The future year projections use the current year estimate as a base and multiply it by the 5Y Dividend CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate). This method estimates the dividend income for the next three years starting from the next year.
5Y Dividend CAGR
- CAGR: The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of dividends over the past five years, providing a historical growth rate for your dividend income.